BAZZOKA Creative BAZZOKA Creative BAZZOKA Creative

Bazzoka for

Gletscherbahnen Kaprun

The K-onnection to the future


Discussions have been going on for decades about a direct cable car link from Kaprun to Mount Kitzsteinhorn. Now, the dream has finally come true. However, that means the service needs a name, a logo, a promotional image; and that all necessitates a big, all-encompassing idea.

The link is to be established in two phases, so the challenge lies in communicating and promoting the project over a period of almost three years.

Unsurprisingly, we don’t give away much during the first phase. However, we do make a poignant promise: ‘We’re bringing together what belongs together’. Even the initial teaser images are closed in by graphic parentheses. Two almost interlocking semicircles are used to form these parentheses and are deployed in every development phase and channel of communication.

Brand development

Brand management


Corporate Publishing


However, the central idea is the name for the link-up. The Kaprun-Kitzsteinhorn ‘K-onnection’ with the 3K acronym is now an eye-catching international brand.


The name K-onnection gives this link a powerful aura and magnetism. Obviously, we also make this a feature of all our headlines. Just like the semicircles, this is also used in all of our communications output, thus bonding the two concepts – far beyond the opening phase. One lucky coincidence is the fact that, in other languages too, the 3K acronym provides a strong indication that the connection takes passengers up to over 3000m.


The objective was to ensure a very complex issue and myriad messages were brought together in a clearly-structured, dynamic and aesthetically attractive presence – a goal we achieved!